3 Things I’ve Found on TikTok That Have Changed my Outlook

Cat Writes
3 min readNov 6, 2020

A couple of months ago I decided to join mainstream media and download the TikTok app. I didn’t know what I’d find there but I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised! The impression I had been given from many was that TikTok was a silly kid’s app but I can honestly say it’s not. There is so much more to it. The following is just some of what I’ve found.

1. Community

The TikTok world has a community for everything. Here you will find cooking, crafts, animal rescue, cosplay, photography, music, writing, sports, empowerment, relationships, you name it, and it’s there. People who don’t know each other from Adam band together to create short videos of education, fun and support. Not only are they entertaining but real-life friendships are formed. I personally have enjoyed connecting with other writers, exploring their work and studying the feedback from their audiences.

2. Causes and Journeys

TikTok is full of creators that bring education and awareness on a variety of topics. Here you will find a firehouse dalmation that demonstrates fire safety, a wolf sanctuary that reaches out to prevent veteran suicide, a woman who helps find resources for domestic violence victims. Police officers that want to bring the community together and ”humanize the badge” are shown dancing, adopting strays, playing or training their K9 partners, otherwise goofing off. (Off duty of course) and overall being good people. There’s a black cat who brings in leaves for people that are sad while her mom raises funds for their local animal shelter, a beautiful story of a horse rescued from his way to slaughter and has blossomed from some TLC and proper training given by a lovely young woman, told through the eyes of her adoring wife and another lovely couple where you just aren’t exactly sure what’s going to come home next. Last week it was a bloodhound puppy, now it’s a goat. Their house is full of love and fur. I’ve been following along as people have adopted new animals and have to train, I’ve cried with some who are carrying out bucket lists before they have to say goodbye to a furry family member. I’ve been following those who’ve lost weight and become more fit and just about anything else you can imagine.

3. Fun

I cannot even count the number of times I’ve Laughed so hard I’ve cried watching TikToks. I e watched heartwarming moments caught on video. I’ve laughed as couples play together, and said wow to the man who catches absolutely anything his wife throws at him. I’ve seen kids be invited to dance with celebrities and celebrities duet videos made by kids that make their entire life. I’ve smiled at videos of adorable animals labeled serotonin boosts and drooled at others labeled thirst traps. (I likely don’t need to explain that one).

As someone who struggles with anxiety, finding outlets to cope with life is important. When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I can take a 5 minute TikTok break and feel refreshed to join life again. This silly kids app sure has done this 40 year old a lot of good.

